So here's the grass in the patio before Ben whacked it last weekend. In the far corner we are attempting to grow some Irish Moss. When it's not eleventy billion degrees outside, it looks like its doing quite well, but it's a little stressed out lately (aren't we all...). We would have done it all in moss, but that would have cost a lot of money. A lot. So instead the rest is done in regular old grass. It's filling in nicely for the most part, and is fun to walk on. I have been thinking lately that creeping thyme would have been a cool thing to plant here, too.
On to the stairs...
Here is the main stairwell. (All of these pictures turned out funky because our digicam can't handle its own flash. When you come in the front door, the stairs are to your right. In this picture you can spot the following:
Here is the main stairwell. (All of these pictures turned out funky because our digicam can't handle its own flash. When you come in the front door, the stairs are to your right. In this picture you can spot the following:
- pretty wooden stairs (I'll give credit where it's due)
- -hideous cottage cheese stucco gross shiny walls (it's a pet peeve)
- beige.
- damage to the bottom stair
- but a pretty newel post!
Let's look a the pretty newel post some more:
And here is the side of the stairway (do the panels on the side of the stairs have a special name?). This is quite pretty too, except for the parts where you can peer through the floor into the basement...
I did not include the picture from the top of the stairs looking down because there are three suspicious dust-mote-spots in it and I don't need a whole bunch of comments telling me that they're ghost orbs. Lord knows I'm neurotic enough about spooky things and don't need to get all freaky-deak about dust spots. They're just dust spots. Dust spots.
Ahem. So here we are at the top of the stairs, winding the bend to the second floor. I should dust.
And if I turn around, here are the Cosby stairs that go down to the kitchen. And more ugly walls! Going down these stairs feels like walking through stucco catacombs. I try to focus on how pretty the wood on these stairs is. It's different from the main stairs, not as fancy, but I like it. You can kind of see the difference between the landing and that first step.
So these are the best of the bunch of photos I have. Does that satisfy you, Andrea? Do you even remember asking these questions?
I am so envious of your stairs. That post! Those panels! Dang it. Our house is just a one-story bungalow with a finished basement, and let me tell you, the stairs going down to the basement are nothing to write home about. So I have staircase-envy.
Ahhh...I feel sooo satisfied. Thanks girl! And perfect timing to get me back into the mood to continue stripping my stairs this weekend. It will be a 3 day strip fest with a little time off to play in the mudroom. Oooh that sounds so dirty! :)
I guess our stairs aren't similar since you have that half platform. I still need to figure out how to handle the newel post at the top of our stairs. ergh.
I'm glad you mentioned how the moss has a rough time when it is hot. I need to find some filler that will be able to handle some seriously hot days. And since the flagstone will be located in some sunny and shady spots, I'll have to be careful. I don't like the idea of grass since I would hate to deal with trimming, but it sure does look pretty! I've heard there is shorter grass (buffalo grass?) that doesn't require mowing. I'll also look into that creeping thyme - partly because I love the idea of creeping time.
Wow those are some awesome stairs! So y'all replaced the newel post? I can't tell the difference.. Pretty sweet. :)
Oh, Muncie, stop it - I have built-in-bookshelf envy of your house! They're so pretttty....
Andrea - If I were better at watering things, the Irish moss would have fared better, but I suck at watering. Did Sunset say what they used?
Omar - whoa there, friend. No, we didn't replace the post. You overestimate our skills and motivation (and you flatter me!). ;) Nope, that beauty's an original, though it's a little wiggly.
Ah, I must have misread then. :)
Oh your stairway is so pretty!!! I thought we had the same newel post (here's mine: but yours has fancier detail on top. Plus I'll trade my cheapo Lowes replacement railings and balusters and cheesy replacement trim (I have no idea what USED to be on the side of my stairway, but it wasn't cheesy stained 1/2" quarter-round!) for your hideous cottage cheese stucco gross shiny walls any day.
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